Thursday 29 November 2012

High Court Judge Refuses Permission for Judicial Review of CCRC Decision, 29th November 2012

“It appears that the threshold for my case to be referred to the court of appeal is much higher than in most cases but that doesn't make me any less innocent. The law it seems, simply does not apply if it assists me in proving that I am wrongly convicted. The Commission have been given powers that allow them to dismiss forensic evidence without addressing it or having any valid reason and they are fully supported in this by the judiciary.

The Commission is clearly set up not to refer the cases of innocent people but to refer only on points of law which means the innocent are stuck in a system that does not recognise them. The route to the appeal court needs to be readdressed as the CCRC is not fulfilling the purpose it was originally set up to do which is investigate possible miscarriages of justice.  It is underfunded and under resourced and as a result leads to inexperienced case workers, and poor relationships with their clients.

Since the CCRC’s triennial review is upon us let’s hope there can be some improvements to the way in which they operate. I have no choice but to re-submit my case to the Commission with a large amount of fresh material and forensic work. I hope it will not take them another 8 years to review my case again as my life is being wasted simply waiting for the Commission to ignore valuable, credible and expensive forensic evidence, which is always submitted within their guidelines. I am not the only person to suffer at the hands of a system that just does not work and more must be done to aid the victims of injustice."

"Thank you to Simon McKay and his team for their work on this hearing."


Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber