Sunday 8 August 2010

"I'd like to tell my story to give hope to those who feel like giving up"

This week has seen Jeremy's campaign continue with two front page articles from the Daily Mirror's lead Crime Correspondent Jon Clements which accurately and clearly presented the evidence. The first of the two pieces being the strongest focusing on the crucial calls from Nevill Bamber to police which even showed the first Police car being dispatched to WHF a minute before Jeremy's call was made. There was also mention of further evidence, And in the second article The Mirror reports how Jeremy didn't understand his sisters medical condition and felt guilty for not helping her more.

The Mirror head's up what is proven (in all but formality), the greatest miscarriage of justice of our time. This weekend has seen the passing of 25 years since the loss of Jeremy's immediate family and supporters were flocking to his growing number of web sites, blogs and facebooks with messages of support. Jeremy has received mail from a large amount of well wishers and wants to say thanks for everyone's continuing support.

There is set to be persistent media presence with the continued release of evidence through various media sources. The focus will remain on the proof that Sheila Caffell carried out the killings, and the additional evidence showing that Jeremy could not have possibly murdered his family.

Touching on some of this evidence already is the article in The People on Sunday 8th August 2010 by Russell Myers, which again highlights that Sheila Caffell was still alive inside the house whilst Jeremy was outside with Police officers.

Public opionion which is now in Jeremy's favour is applying pressure to the CCRC to make a decision as soon as possible. They have been corresponding with concerned members of the public continually who are requesting information as to why the case has not been referred to the court of appeal with a mountain of compelling evidence now public.

It is time to draw this matter to a close and the release of Jeremy Bamber is now imminent.

Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber