“A quick bulletin on where we are in the case. Many newly discovered documents have come to light and this shows the level of deceit carried out by police officers. The police resignations in the phone hacking scandal illustrate that some police officers do lie, they do deceive and take bribes and their work as public servants is not always impartial.
There have been many new finds which prove that the scratches on the mantle were fabricated over a month after the original crime scene pictures were taken. As we already know the issue of two sound moderators is now resolved and fully proven. There was one person who has come forward with valuable documentation as a result of the team appealing for new information and this has been terrific.
One of the problems in proving my innocence has been obtaining documents from Essex Police. I am still currently awaiting yet another request for documents which is being ‘handled’.
There are also so many documents under PII which even the CCRC would not be allowed to hand to my legal team. Nevertheless over the years there have been many slips by the police who have accidentally sent out up to 5 different copies of the same documents which the Police would not have wanted us to see. This means that legally once released generally can no longer be considered PII.
Owing to unforeseen circumstances we began to look at documents which had been dispersed to different people over many years. The persistence of many people working for me has made a huge difference in obtaining these and work on these documents has made the case shift considerably.
The CCRC’s regulations on the photographs which my lawyer had to sign has caused considerable delays, each person in the forensic chain has had to sign a similar undertaking before being allowed to see them.
Without saying too much one would ask “What is in these 175 photographs, never seen by the Defence that is of such concern to the Ministry of Justice.” All photographs of the deceased apart from some of Sheila Caffell have been disclosed before. Why does the CCRC feel that pictures of the gun cupboard, back door and kitchen mantle should be subject to such strict regulation?
There are so many people working with me and offering professional services free of cost and this has made a really big difference to the campaign and the speed at which I can make the new submissions.
Along the way I have made many new friends and continue to do so with letters arriving from new supporters every day from around the globe. This is owing to the programme Crimes That Shook Britain which has been aired internationally. Not forgetting the numbers of loyal friends who have helped me along the way – I could not have got this far without you.”