Saturday, 6 October 2012

Jeremy Bamber: A Life of Less Liberty

This is the first article in the sequence called A Life of Less Liberty, which is a series of four short pieces written by Jeremy reflecting on his 27 years of wrongful incarceration. 

“Today marks a year since the death of Steve Jobs the founder of Apple Inc. If I look back to 1985, when I first came to prison, I realize it also marks the year that he and Steve Wozniak were awarded the National Medal for Technology Innovation for their development and introduction of the Personal Computer. Since then technologies built on their essential participation in the world of computing and communications have developed much further than I could have imagined. 

I was only 24 when I came to jail, no different from any other young man in being interested engineering, computers and technology.  The world was changing rapidly, debate about using a computer for farming was discussed at N & J Bamber and had I not lost my family in the tragedy at White House farm and had I not come to prison, we would certainly have developed our business using computing.   

My journey in 27 years of prison has been restricted and I've not experienced much of the technology that all those with liberty take for granted on a daily basis. I have been fortunate to use a computer for some years in the Braille translation workshop at Full Sutton, so coming home won’t be a complete shock for me. But I have yet to learn about the likes of smart phones, i-pads, Google, and Gran Turismo.

Jeremy's twitter account is operated by a network of friends
We, as societies, all experience many freedoms with the internet, including freedom of movement to be in constant contact with our co-workers or family and friends almost everywhere we go in the world. 

We have the freedom to speak to the world without any restriction as to the content through web sites, bloggers and social media sites.  We have freedom of knowledge at our fingertips and in the flick of the keypad we can find out the most obscure facts in a second which can enhance and enrich our lives providing us with knowledge for study, work, or simple recreation. 

I'm not at liberty to experience these things first hand but I have some knowledge of these technologies from media and friends, of course I have no user experience at all so when justice finally comes, I am looking forward to a whole new liberty of which I could only have dreamed of in 1985, and it seems to me that freedom has never been so good.”


© There is no objection to any material on this website being reproduced free of charge, but it should be credited to this web address copyright of "Jeremy Bamber Campaign."   

Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber