Saturday 29 September 2012

British Injustice : 27 Years of Prison for Innocent Jeremy Bamber

Today marks the 27th anniversary of Jeremy Bamber’s arrest at Dover, he was taken into custody and charged with murder on fabricated evidence and has not been a free man since. Held on remand for over a year, he was convicted of murder by a 10 -2 majority on the 28th of October 1986. 

During October Jeremy will be writing a number of short pieces for the campaign which reflect on the past 27 years. These will not only express his feelings on the case and his hopes for the future, but he will also address the impact that a wrongful conviction has had on his life from the perspective of a 51 year old inmate looking back over more than half of his life spent in prison.

Jeremy wants to thank all those who support him and has commented on the great amount of friends who have made so much possible and who continue to do so. 

Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber