Friday 23 September 2011

"The most exciting new discoveries further prove my innocence."

“My case has been making progress with the CCRC extending the deadline to enable them to allocate further original documentation for forensic analysis. At this end document analysis has been carried out owing to a new find of papers.

The number of emails received by the campaign is growing daily with people offering their help and information which often leads to new discoveries. The most exciting discovery is among the most recent finds which are many sets of documents further proving that reference numbers have been altered several times.

As a result of #freedomfortnight I have received letters from so many new people from all age ranges and backgrounds just dropping me cards and emails with kind words of support which is really lovely.

My friends and campaigners have been unwavering and we have recently employed the help of new people especially as part of #freedomfortnight. The admin team who run my document share have worked tirelessly to make electronic copies of case files and this is now almost completed, until the next discovery!

Many law schools have joined the campaign and are actively involved in studying my case and participating in #freedomfortnight which has grown into a much longer campaign than we first anticipated.

There is still no news on when my whole life tariff is to be heard in the European Court despite all submissions being submitted to the deadline of 15th September 2011.

I have also received correspondence from two documentary makers interested in producing programmes showing this new evidence, we are hoping that these productions will make it to the T.V screens but work of this type often takes a year or more in the making.

So we continue to have media interest which is helpful to anyone struggling against a miscarriage of justice and I would also like to thank MOJO newsletters who have helped raise awareness of my campaign and they continue to be invaluable to help prisoners who struggle to clear their names.”


Jeremy Bamber

Jeremy Bamber
Innocent Jeremy Bamber